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Anchor Links In A Freeform Block

Creating an Anchor Link

View steps

  1. Open the Freeform where you would like to Anchor/jump the user to
  2. When your cursor is where you want your Anchor in content
  3. Click the Link Picker (do not have anything highlighted) 
    1. Anchor link icon
  4. Enter the name of your anchor link (you will need to know the exact spelling and capitalization of the Anchor name you give you enter so record it somewhere – no spaces allowed)
    Create anchor link field
  5. Click Done
  6. Publish the Page or go to next step

Using an Anchor Link in the Same Block

  1. Highlight the content you would like to have the user click to jump them to the Anchor
    1. View this link
  2. Click the Link Picker
    1. Anchor link icon
  3. Go to the Anchor tab
  4. Select the anchor from the “Or link to an existing anchor” dropdown - in this case AnchorTest
    An anchor link being selected from a dropdown menu
  5. Click Done
  6. Publish the Page

If Using an Anchor Link in a Different Block

  1. Follow the same steps as above recording your Anchor name

  2. When you open the different Freeform block where you want to make your link it needs to be an External link

  3. Highlight the content you would like to have the user click to jump them to the Anchor
    1. View this link
  4. Click the Link Picker
    1. Anchor link icon
  5. Go to the External tab

  6. Use fully qualified URL with anchor name at the end of it and un-check open in new window

Find documentation for all link types on the Freeform Overview page.


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