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Using Drag and Drop to Add Images

Add an Image Using Drag and Drop

Images can be dragged and dropped from your computer into any Freeform block.

  1. Simply drag the image from the file folder onto the spot you would like it in the page. You may need to delete a few lines of space to get the formatting to your liking. An image file being dragged onto a page
  2. When the image is dragged in, multiple sizes will automatically be generated, like with any image uploaded to Titan.

Where the image gets uploaded to in the file pile depends on how the settings are configured. There are multiple ways to configure these settings.

  1. If you are an administrator, go into Titan Admin.
  2. Go to the Content Sites and select the globe you’re managing, or go to Data Sites and select the data node you’re managing.
  3. In the General section, scroll to the bottom and select Default Upload Folder. selecting the default image folder
  4. You can go to any site or data site and configure those locations separately. For instance, if you selected blogs, all images uploaded to a blogs data node could go to a Blogs folder. default folder for data nodes
  5. If you would like your particular user’s uploads to go to a different folder, that is also configurable.
  6. On the content side of Titan, go into a freeform block and go to the gear icon in the center of the WYSIWYG editor toolbar. Double click to open the Drag and Drop Settings. the gear icon on the toolbar  user default folders
  7. The Default Destination (1) shows where any user’s drag and dropped images will be stored by default.
  8. Your System Default Destination (2) is where you can create or assign a folder for any images uploaded when logged in as your user. Images will go to this folder no matter what site or data node you are on in the workstation.
  9. Your Site Default Destination (3) is similar to item 2, however the folder is just for the particular globe or data node you are currently working in, not for the whole workstation.


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Drag & Drop Functionality

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